Gravitation and Cosmology
P1: Arthur Ferreira Vieira (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil) - "On the higher derivative truncation of unimodular asymptotically safe quantum gravity". ABSTRACT
P4: Marcony Silva Cunha (Universidade Estadual do Ceará, Brasil) - "Analytical solutions of the Wheeler-DeWitte equation in the big rip scenario". ABSTRACT
P6: Haroldo Cilas Duarte Lima Junior (Universidade Federal do Pará, Brasil) - "Gravitational lensing in the Simpson-Visser spacetime: Can the shadow distinguish between Schwarzschild and regular black holes?". ABSTRACT
General Physics
P11: Jefferson Oliveira do Nascimento (Programa de Modelagem Computacional,Brasil) - "Social complex and Semantic networks based on keywords from Brazilian physics teaching between the years 1972 and 2006". ABSTRACT © PPGF - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física Todos os direitos reservados